Maintaining Inner Peace
Avoid setting strict deadlines for accomplishing tasks, as unforeseen circumstances may arise, causing you to either neglect other matters or become distressed if you are unable to meet your goal.
Understand that your subordinates are likely to make mistakes; therefore, avoid over-planning.
Disregard the complaints of your subjects about you.
If entrusted with a secret, either decline to accept it or keep it strictly confidential.
Avoid accepting responsibility for others’ money or belongings.
When dealing with men you suspect of being talkative, stick to customary greetings and small talk.
Avoid promising to intercede on someone’s behalf; if your efforts are unsuccessful, you will be troubled.
Do not personally oversee the work of craftsmen.
Have no dealings with complainers, groaning women, and the obstinate.
If you must go to places that you dislike, refuse to conduct business there. Instead, act as if the places were meant for other purposes.
b2d4c0d @ 2024-05-27