Managing Emotions
Compile examples of emotions and expressions from poetry, such as those found in the Palatium Eloquentiae1, and practice the ones you need until you have mastered them.
Trust no one, not even your closest friend. When interacting with others, you may pretend to trust them, but always maintain control over your facial expressions and words when showing affection. Remember that your face can reveal as much as your words.
Overcome your own timidity, so that even in moments of self-doubt, you can still act as boldly as you have in similar circumstances.
Most likely Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé’s Reginae Eloquentiae Palatium sive Exercitationes Oratoriae (which roughly translates to Palace of the Queen of Eloquence or Oratorical Exercises). ↩︎
7026bb5 @ 2024-05-17