Gaining and Conferring Offices
First, advise that it would be necessary to bestow offices to someone who fits the description of your accomplishments and circumstances. Then, humbly decline the position, as if you were already in a similar one.
Strive for good and clear counsel and do many things that are pleasing to the public, such as the construction of public buildings, providing aid to the poor, and implementing measures that can be done without suddenly increasing taxes.
Do not assume that your talents and worthiness automatically qualify you for any duties, as if these duties must necessarily be conferred upon you and as if there were no one else equally suitable. Those in power prefer to confer duties on the unworthy rather than on talented and worthy men.
Instead, act as if these duties were to be granted by the favor of a patron. Offer your services graciously and promise obedience. Seek intermediaries to support your case and avoid making empty promises Humble yourself, openly express your unworthiness, and express your deepest gratitude.
If you hold an office that requires a powerful person, and there is no one more powerful than you, permanently allocate all of the office’s revenues. This way, anyone who seeks the office must bring their own strength to it, rather than finding strength in the office itself, ensuring that the office will remain with your house.
Always strive for the highest things, so that if you study, study as much as you can, even spurning that boasting of talent which some learned men wish to seem to have in their studies. If you seek virtues, seek them to the highest degree possible. Attain the greatest dignities you can, and thus establish yourself firmly in all positions.
Do not grant the administration of goods permanently, but for a three-year term, so that if someone has increased the goods and managed things more peacefully, confirm them in the same position, lest security breed negligence.
While fortune favors you, make the most of it, because it can easily change. While you are fortunate, seek what you can. Display mildness, anger, and rewards as needed, anticipating higher positions.
b2d4c0d @ 2024-05-27