Japanese Can Opener
The cheapest kind of can opener you can buy in France is a single piece of metal with a sharp edge. It is also the most practical kind of can opener. In the US, it is called a Japanese can opener, and it is apparently very fancy.
Those things are a marvel of design. They have no moving parts (it is literally a single piece of metal), making them dead easy to use and clean, very durable (they will outlive you by a long shot), space-efficient (nice if, for whatever reason, you want to travel with your can opener), and dirt cheap (about $9 on Amazon for a fancier model).
There is simply no good reason to buy the hand-crank models common in the US1. Get a Japanese can opener and enjoy.
If you do want to turn a crank, I would recommend investigating safety can openers.
d4bcab4 @ 2024-06-18