Ducktales (the 2017 reboot) follows the adventure of Uncle Scrooge and his family as they scour the world for treasure.

The target public is mostly younger children (no older than middle school).

Ducktales is very funny.

While I am a fan of the original characters, this is a great take on them and it introduces some things that should become standard in this universe. In particular, the nephews have actual personalities (!) and Webby might be the best character1.

The show is at its best when it is episodic absurd comedy with a sprinkle of adventure. However, it tries and tries again to give us an overarching plot culminating in the last season (which ties up all the loose threads left by the plot) which makes for very weak writing at times.


  1. They took the pink we-think-we-need-her-to-have-girl-viewers character, kept the pink and made her a badass with a grappling hook. ↩︎