Craig of the Creek
We follow Craig and his friends as they play in the nearby woods (the eponymous creek) after school.
The target public is mostly younger children (no older than middle school).
This show is an ode to the power of imagination. We follow a group of children playing games and see the world through their eyes, never quite sure where reality stops and imagination begins.
The creek is home to a small kid civilization with its cliques, rituals and key places making for a very compelling setting. This is where we all would have wanted to play as kids.
Also, it is easy to forget because it never comes into strong focus (as the kids barely care about it) but, this show has great representation: the kids of the creek come from a lot of backgrounds and LGBTQ+ people are not swept under the rug.
In the latest seasons the show has tried to introduce an overarching plot. It introduces some tension but I do not think it improves on the show.

348c4a6 @ 2022-12-04