I am a consulting mentalist. Among other things, I have a book published for that public, give talks at specialized conventions, and I designed stage shows that are now playing in various1 countries.

Mentalism is an ensemble of techniques (including mnemonics, hypnosis, magic tricks, a trained intuition, and knowledge of statistically likely phenomena) used to produce incredible phenomena (usually psychic phenomena or a mastery of the human mind) in an entertainment setting.

One point that is worth stressing is that it is neither all real (magic tricks are great to make things look better/add some punch, and anyone telling you they don’t use them is either lying or very ignorant) nor all fake (anyone telling you otherwise is, similarly, likely ignorant or a magician who did some telepathy-themed tricks and thinks that it is all there is to it).

If you want to be entertained by a world-class mentalist, I highly recommend watching some Derren Brown shorts on YouTube.

Usually, people contact me because they want to do a particular demonstration on stage, and I find a way to do it given their skill set, constraints, and theme. But it can also be building a full show around a theme or helping someone track older references on a subject they are researching.

My particular area of expertise is the birth of modern mentalism. When spiritualist mediums first stepped onto the stage, where magicians were trying to debunk them, birthing within a few years a united practice that borrowed techniques and aesthetics from both fields.

Whether you are a mentalist who needs my service or just a layman curious about the subject, you can reach me by email.

  1. Two. Two counts as various. ↩︎